Spontaneous vegetative reproduction of tuberous orchids (Orchidaceae Juss.) of flora of Ukraine


vegetative reproduction
tuberous orchids
stress conditions

How to Cite

Gaponenko, M. (2014). Spontaneous vegetative reproduction of tuberous orchids (Orchidaceae Juss.) of flora of Ukraine. Plant Introduction, 61, 25-29. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1493271


The information about the vegetative reproduction of tuberous orchids in situ and ex situ is sited. The cases of spontaneous vegetative reproduction of the plants of Anacamptis picta (Loisel.) R.M. Bateman in the conditions of the Mountain Crimea were found. The possibility of the vegetative reproduction of orchids with tubers under the influence of simulated drought is shown. It was determined that the vegetative reproduction of tuberous orchids is a strategically important additional method for individuals surviving in stressful environment, which provides a self-renewal of populations.



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