Morphological characteristics of spores of certain Adiantum L. species (Adiantaceae (C. Presl) Ching)


micromorphological characters

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Kovalska, L. (2013). Morphological characteristics of spores of certain Adiantum L. species (Adiantaceae (C. Presl) Ching). Plant Introduction, 58, 45-50.


Comparative scanning electron microscope investigations of spore of 16 spicies of Adiantum L. (Adiantaceae (C. Presl) Ching): A. capillus-veneris L., A. caudatum L., А. concinnum Humb. et Bonpl. еx Willd., А. cuneatum Langsd. et Fisch, A. diaphanum Blume, А. edgevorthii Hook., A. fimbriatum Christ, A. formosum R. Br., A. grossum Mett., A. hispidulum Sw., А. macrophyllum Sw., А. peruvianum Klotzsch, A. polyphyllum Willd., A. subcordatum Sw., A. tetraphyllum Humb. et Bonpl. еx Willd., A. trapeziforme L. are highlighted. The data on morphological characters of spores are given.


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