Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in an ore-mining pits and dumps of soda production in the Donetsk region


Pinus sylvestris L.
the chalk dumps
local populations

How to Cite

Korshikov, I., & Pasternak, G. (2013). Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in an ore-mining pits and dumps of soda production in the Donetsk region. Plant Introduction, 57, 55-61.


The features of self-spread of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) on different elements of man-made landscape in ore extraction and production of soda ash in the north of Donetsk region are studied. It has been revealed that the intensity of the P. sylvestris regeneration is different and depends on the depth of the pit and the cardinal point of the chalk dump, where waste products are deposited. In general, the process of forming of an extrazonal population of P. sylvestris in this technologically transformed territory is observed.


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