Objective – to study the species composition and the state of introducing populations of plants of Caucasian flora on the botanical and geographic plant Caucasus of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Uk raine (NBG).
Material and methods. The research was conducted in 2015–2018 at the territory of NBG during the inventory of the collection fund of the botanical and geographic plot Caucasus. The age structure of populations was studied by the method of T.O. Rabotnov and school of O.O. Uranov.
Results. Summing up the 69 years of introduction of the Caucasian flora in the NBG.
Conclusions. At the botanical and geographic plot Caucasus more than 1500 species of plants of natural flora of the Caucasus have been tested. Currently, the species composition of the site has 363 species, 116 of them are rare, 150 species have created stable introductive po pu lations. The collection is being replenished with new species for the area, which are successfully tested and become part of the floristic groupings of the plot.
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