Rare species of plants in steppe culturphytocoenose: the systematic composition, sozological characteristic, the historical aspects of the introduction, the contemporary state


rare species of plants
steppe culturphytocoenose
Botanical Garden

How to Cite

Gritsenko, V. (2012). Rare species of plants in steppe culturphytocoenose: the systematic composition, sozological characteristic, the historical aspects of the introduction, the contemporary state. Plant Introduction, 54, 13-21. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2541996


The list of the rare species of plants of steppe culturphytocoenose in the botanical-geographic plot site "Steppes of Ukraine" in M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Ukraine was established. Rare species are analyzed by the systematic composition, sozological statuses, the historical aspects of the introduction, the contem porary state. The efficiency of retention and pro tection of these rare species of the plants ex situ is substantiated.



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