The results of the DNA polymorphism study of Ukrainian and Caucasian snowdrop (Galanthus L.) species introduced to M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Gardens – Galanthus alpinus, G. angustifolius, G. elwesii ucr. auct., G. lagodechianus, G. nivalis, G. plicatus and G. woronowii are presented. RAPD analysis of electrophoregrams obtained by mean of sixteen 10-mer oligonucleotide primers were performed. According to this results the intraspecific DNA fragments (amplicons) were detect. Genotypic differences found in morphologically heterogeneous plants of G. elwesii ucr. auct. (plants with narrowand broadly-lanceolate leaves), in plants of G. alpinus var. alpinus, and also the differences identified between G. plicatus growing outside the main Ukraine distribution area (Crimea) in the natural boundary Kholodny Yar (Cherkassy region) and Crimean G. plicatus, indicate the presence of intraspecific and intrapopulation variability in these species, which requires further special study. To clarify the taxonomic status of critical species G. elwesii ucr. auct. distributed in Odessa and Nikolaev regions its comparative molecular studies with G. cfr. graecus are necessary.
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