Induction of adaptation to drought in wheat by allelochemicals of some species of Camellia L. genus

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Didyk, N., Zakrasov, O., & Kharchenko, I. (2011). Induction of adaptation to drought in wheat by allelochemicals of some species of Camellia L. genus. Plant Introduction, 52, 72-77.


The effect of treatment of seeds of wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Dnіpryanka) with water extracts from leaves of three species of Camellia L. genus on the induction of adaptation to drought has been studied. The positive effect, which depended on the concentration of extracts and species of donor plants, has been established. The treatment of seeds improved germination, growth parameters (increase in total leaf areas, biomass of shoots and roots), water balance (reduction of water deficit, water content and transpiration rate in leaves) and stimulated accumulation of proline content in wheat seedlings. Allelochemicals of C. sinensis (L.) Kuntze were more effective in stimulating the adaptation of wheat plants to drought than C. japonica L. and C. sasanqua Thunb.


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