The history of creation and current state of dendroflora of parks which celebrate a jubilee in Poltava region

How to Cite

Bayrak, O. (2010). The history of creation and current state of dendroflora of parks which celebrate a jubilee in Poltava region. Plant Introduction, 47, 107-112.


Stages of creation peculiarities of dendroflora in parks – Prydniprovs’kyj and Kryvoruds’kyj (Poltava Region), which are celebrating the 50th birthday this year, were examined and analyzed.


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Музиченко Н.В., Соколова І.М. Зелена перлина Кременчука: Сад над Славутичем. — Кременчук, СПД В.В. Олексієнко, 2009. — 82 с.

Стежинами заповідних парків Полтавщини. Екскурс в історію та сьогодення / За ред. О.М. Байрак. — Полтава: Верстка, 2009. — 164 с.

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