The species of Caryophyllaceae Juss. as a perspective ornamental plants

How to Cite

Fedoronchuk, M. (2010). The species of Caryophyllaceae Juss. as a perspective ornamental plants. Plant Introduction, 46, 65-68.


The data about willd and cultivated species of Caryophyllaceae Juss. with high ornamental peculiarities which proposed to introduction are presented.


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Leslie A.C. The international Dianthus register. — 2nd ed. — London, 1983.

Linnaeus C. Species Plantarum ex hibens plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relata cum differentiis specificis. — Holmiae (Stockhollm), impensis Laurentii Salvii, 1753. — Vol. 1. — 560 p.

Meusel H., Mühlberg H. Unterfamilie Silenoideae (Lindl.) A. Br. // Illustrirte Flora von Mitteleuropa / Ed. G. Hegi. — Berlin; Hamburg: Verlag Paul Parey, 1979. — Bd. 3, Teil 2. — S. 947–1182.

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