M.O. Kasaeva – one of the first employee of the Department of Dendrology of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Ukraine

How to Cite

Klimenko, S., & Chuvikina, N. (2010). M.O. Kasaeva – one of the first employee of the Department of Dendrology of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Ukraine. Plant Introduction, 46, 92-97. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2550877


Scientific activity and life path of M.O. Kasaeva – one of the first research worker of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Gardens of the NAS of Ukraine and her scientific work in Acclimatization Garden under the leadership of M.F. Kashchenko are delighted.



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Особова справа М.О. Касаєвої. — Музей історії Національного ботанічного саду ім. М.М. Гришка НАН України. — 45 с.

Приказы по личному составу ЦРБС АН УССР. — Архів НБС ім. М.М. Гришка НАН України. — Оп. 3-е. — Спр. 2. — Арк. 1–3.

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