Anatomic and morphological peculiarities of the tigellum of Cissus tuberosa Moc. еt Sesse ex DC. (Vitaceae) preparing for a rest period

How to Cite

Zuyeva, O., Nuzhyna, N., & M.M. Gaidarzhy, M. (2010). Anatomic and morphological peculiarities of the tigellum of Cissus tuberosa Moc. еt Sesse ex DC. (Vitaceae) preparing for a rest period. Plant Introduction, 45, 61-65.


This article describes a way of succulent plant Cissus tuberosa Moc. еt Sesse ex DC. (Vitaceae) natural asexual reproduction and gives the results of an anatomical and morphological investigation of this plant’s tigellum while preparing for a dry season.


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