Objective – to define of phenological features of growth and development of ornamental grasses during introduction in Forest-Steppe and Polissya of Ukraine.
Material and methods. The study was carried out on plants introduced in M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine of species and varieties of perennial ornamental grasses family Poaceae. Features of growth and development ornamental grasses in Forest-Steppe and Polissya of Ukraine have been described. Noted the beginning of spring growth phase, out of the tube, inflorescence emergence phase, flowering and maturity phase, end of the growing season, and determined the duration of active vegetation and flowering, fruiting and reblooming ability in conditions of introduction.
Results. Groups of ornamental grasses relative to the onset of spring regrowth: early (III decade of March – I decade of April), middle (II decade of April), late (III decade of April – I decade of May) have been identified. In the inflorescence emergence phase grasses enter on the 15th–167th day after the beginning of the spring growth (I decade of April – II decade of October), flowering – on the 27th–184th day (ІІ decade of April – ІІІ decade of October). The earliest phase of inflorescence emergence and flowering occurs for early spring blooming species of the genus Sesleria Scop. Latest panicle appears in representatives of the genus Miscanthus Anders. and Cortaderia selloana (Schult. et Schultf.) Asch. et Grabn. (I decade of August – II decade of October). By the beginning of flowering ornamental grasses selected groups: early and late spring blooming, early, middle and late summer blooming, early and late autumn blooming.
Conclusions. Duration of grasses growing season during the introduction in Forest-Steppe and Polissya of Ukraine and provided regular watering is 190–235 days. Springand summer blooming ornamental grasses successfully pass all phenological phases of development. That is one of indicators of adaptation plants to climatic conditions of the region of cultivation. Autumn blooming plants of the genus Arundo L., Imperata Cyr., Miscanthus × giganteus J.M. Greef et Deuter ex Hodk et Renvoize, Miscanthus sinensis cv. Strictus and cv. Variegatus finished growing season in phase out the tube, or inflorescence emergence phase. Spring blooming plants come in the winter with generative buds. Summer and autumn blooming plants have vegetative buds or are only at the initial stage of formation inflorescence.
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