Seed coat sculpture patterns of tropical orchids (Orchidaceae Juss.)

How to Cite

Buyun, L. (2009). Seed coat sculpture patterns of tropical orchids (Orchidaceae Juss.). Plant Introduction, 42, 40-49.


In the paper the results of comparative investigations of seed coat sculptures of 256 tropical orchid species belonging to 98 genera (Vanilloideae, Cypripedioideae, Orchidoideae, Epidendroideae) with scanning electron microscope are highlighted. Since seed coat, as well as an external surface sculpture of any plant organ directly exposed to the environment brings an important information reflecting the pathways of morphological adaptation of orchid plants to specific environmental conditions, basic differences between seed coat sculpture patterns of studied orchids (epiphytes, terrestrials, and lithophytes) are considered. As a result of the comparative investigation of the seeds of orchid species from different ecological groups it was shown that such characteristic as seed length can be used as an indication of ecological preferences of the orchid plants.


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