Investigation of ornamental cultivars both Louiseania triloba (Lindl.) Pachom. and its hybrids under the conditions of the South-East of Ukraine

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Mezhenskyj, V. (2009). Investigation of ornamental cultivars both Louiseania triloba (Lindl.) Pachom. and its hybrids under the conditions of the South-East of Ukraine. Plant Introduction, 41, 23-28.


Results of introduction investigations both 9 cultivars of Louiseania triloba (Lindl.) Pachom. and 6 cultivars of Louiseania Carr. × Prunus L. hybrids under the conditions of the South-East of Ukraine have been presented. The new combination ×Prunoseania arnoldiana (Rehder) Mezh. comb. nov. for the hybrids of Louiseania triloba × Prunus cerasifera Ehrh. is proposed.


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