Genetic peculiarities of Pinus pallasiana D. Don trees with high and low rate of ovule pollination in artifical stands of Kriviy Rig

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Korshikov, I., & Terlyga, N. (2008). Genetic peculiarities of Pinus pallasiana D. Don trees with high and low rate of ovule pollination in artifical stands of Kriviy Rig. Plant Introduction, 37, 32-37.


During 3 years from 4 stands of 100 Pinus pallasiana D. Don plants ovule rate of pollination was defined. As a result of this trees with constantly high (80.8–98.4 %) and low (41.6–68.6 %) values of this reproductive index were selected. Genetic distinctions of the given trees were assessed by 22 allozyme loci. Sample of trees with high ovule rate of pollination was characterized by lower polymorphic loci portion (Р99 = 0.773), and by lower values of observed (НО = 0.213) and expected (НЕ = 0.228) heterozygosity, than that alternative one (Р99 = 0.818, НО = 0.281, НЕ = 0.272).


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