Modern view on the taxonomy of the genus Anemone L. sensu stricto (Ranunculaceae Juss.). Part I

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Ziman, S., Bulakh, E., & Kadota, Y. (2008). Modern view on the taxonomy of the genus Anemone L. sensu stricto (Ranunculaceae Juss.). Part I. Plant Introduction, 37, 56-65.


Here we re-examined the literature on the genus Anemone L. taxonomy as the largest and most complicated within the family Ranunculaceae Juss. because its state, species content and intergeneric structure (dividing on sections and other taxa) were debatable during a lot of years. As a result of our critical examination of the characters being in use for Anemone taxonomy (approximately 25 ones) and the own analyse of ca. 70 characters of fruits, flowers, leaves, aboveground and underground shoots and roots, we selected the characters the most essential for the taxonomy of the genus Anemone which we revised in the next parts of our manuscript.


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