Peculiarities of Berberis amurensis Maxim. pollen structure

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Mitina, L. (2008). Peculiarities of Berberis amurensis Maxim. pollen structure. Plant Introduction, 37, 77-80.


Deseribtion of the pollen grains of Berberis amurensis Maxim. has been presented in the article. It has been fixed that the pollen grains are 3–4 sulcate, raunded, their diameter is 20.65–30.0 μm. The exine intercolpium sculpture is rare-small grooved. Suici location is acyelic. Suice, that meet by the proximale pole and also pseudocolpusi can be met. depending on the suici location microspores can be meridional-sulcus and suga. The presence of propores (the lumps of olifferent morphology texture) on microspores characterize this species as the more younger in the philogenetic relation has been fixed.


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