Drought-resistance of hybrids of apple tree cultivar Vydubytska plakucha in conditions of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


apple hybrids
water-retaining ability

How to Cite

Goncharovska, I., Kuznetsov, V., Galushko, V., & Antonjuk, G. (2017). Drought-resistance of hybrids of apple tree cultivar Vydubytska plakucha in conditions of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Plant Introduction, 75, 88-94. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2326244


Objective – to determine the drought-resistance of hybrids of Vydubytska plakucha apple × Malus domestica Borkh cultivars in Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, waterlogging of tissues, water-retaining capacity, the general deficit of water in leaves and their turgorisation.

Material and methods. The drought tolerance of 15 hybrids of the apple of the Vydubytska plakucha × cultivers M. domestica from the gene-pool M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine. Hyb ri dization was carried out to obtain decorative forms, apple trees with a sign of «weeping», inherited from the сultivar Vydubytska plakucha.

Results. The greatest amount of water was recorded in the leaves of hybrids of the V. p. × Khoroshovka (56.8 %), V. p. × 1–22 (54.3 %), the smallest – in the leaves of hybrids V. p. × Oranzheve (51.6 %), V. p. × Uralske nalyvne (50.0 %). Water deficiency in the leaves was 15–25 %, which does not lead to lethal damage to plants. A high percentage of the moisture content was characteristic of the V. p. × Khoroshovka, and the lowest was the hybrid of the V. p. × Renet Koksa Oranzhevyy.

Conclusion. The most drought-resistant are the hybrids of V. p. × Khoroshovka and V. p. × Luyiza, less stable – V. p. × Renet Koksa Oranzhevyy, V. p. × Uralske nalyvne, V. p. × Antor, the intermediate place is occupied by hybrid V. p. × Uelsi.



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