Peculiarities of biochemical composition of fruits of various fruit species introduced in a South-East of Ukraine. 2nd report: a sugar contents

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Mezhenskyj, V., Mozhajeva, L., & Mezhenska, L. (2007). Peculiarities of biochemical composition of fruits of various fruit species introduced in a South-East of Ukraine. 2nd report: a sugar contents. Plant Introduction, 35, 78-83.


The data about contents of sugars in fruits of 86 plants species from the gene pool collection of non traditional fruit crops of the National Centre for Plant Genetic Resources of Ukraine are given. The most contents of sugars in fruits of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. var. orientalis (L.) Ktze, E. argentea Pursh., E. multiflora Thunb., ×Louiserasus sp., Mespilus germanica L., Microcerasus tomentosa (Thunb.) Erem. et Yusсhev, ×Pyronia veitchii (Trabut) Guill., Shepherdia argentea (Pursh.) Nutt., Sorbus domestica L. was established.


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