Peculiarities of the meteorological regime, species composition and renewal of green plantations on slopes in the urban environment


woody planting
meteorological factors
taxonomic composition

How to Cite

Gorelov, A., & Chornomaz, N. (2017). Peculiarities of the meteorological regime, species composition and renewal of green plantations on slopes in the urban environment. Plant Introduction, 74, 68-72.


Objective – to establish the characteristics of the meteorological regime of species composition and renewal of the plantations on the slopes of Kyiv.

Material and methods. The definition of meteorological parameters were obtain time during at most seasonal leafage surface of woody plants. The meteorological data of slope territory without woody plants were as control.

Results. Revealed significant differences meteoregima of plantations on slopes of which are determined by the orientation, orographic, and hydrologic characteristics, species composition and spatial structure of plantations. Taxonomic composition is represented mainly native species of woody plants.

Conclusions. The greatest species diversity was observed on the north and east slopes. A successful resume is often observed in open areas of the plantations of north and east slopes, where local conditions are most appropriate.


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