Perspectives of the interspecific crossing in actinidia selection

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Grinenko, N., & Moroz, P. (2006). Perspectives of the interspecific crossing in actinidia selection. Plant Introduction, 31, 44-48.


Interspecific crossings of the genus Actinidia Lindl. were carried out in 34 combination: A. arguta, A. kolomikta, A. chinensis, A. polygama, A. purpurea. As a result of conducted hybridization it was determined that species A. arguta crossed easily each other, and while crossing with A. arguta and A. purpurea, A. kolomikta and A. chinensis fruits were growed only with the help of stimulators. Combinations, where A. polygama served as a maternal form, and generative or gan treatments carried out by gibberellic acid, turned out to be the most resultative. For the first time remote crossings yielded positive results from the following species: A. chinеnsis × A. kolomikta, A. polygama × A. chinensis, A. polygama × A. kolomikta, A. polygama × A. arguta, A. polygama × A. purpurea.


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