Changes in park plantations in a short period of time (on the example of Krasnokutsky park (Kharkiv region))


old park
taxonomical composition

How to Cite

Hryhorenko, A., & Klymenko, Y. (2018). Changes in park plantations in a short period of time (on the example of Krasnokutsky park (Kharkiv region)). Plant Introduction, 79, 17-28.


Objective — to determine specify changes in taxonomical composition, plantations and landscapes of Krasnokutsky park (Kharkiv Region) in the last 20 years.

Material and methods. Researches were conducted in 1997 (Yu.O. Klymenko) and in 2016 (A.V. Hryhorenko, Yu.O. Klymenko). Species and cultivar compositions were specified by enrout inspections. Park territory has been divided into allotments by dominating species, allotment areas have been calculated. Garden and park landscapes have been determined according to the classification by L.I. Rubtsov.

Results. It has been determined that in the last 20 years taxonomical composition of the park dwindled. Due to an attack of European spruce bark beetle the majority of Picea abies plants that were already weakened by droughts withered. Fraxinus excelsior dominated areas expanded, same happened with areas where no species prevail (those similar to degenerate oakery), in landscapes area rearrangement favored wooded garden park type.

Conclusions. Negative taxonomical composition, plantations and landscapes changes are observed in Krasnokutsky park. Plant elimination of certain introduced species takes years while certain other introduced species can get small in numbers or eliminated altogether. Besides extremely low temperature in winter, droughts and pests should be considered the most common causes of sudden plant deaths. Taxonomical composition and landscape appearance revival of an old park is impossible without conducting sanitary and landscape tree cuttings, which are currently forbidden.


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