The basis on biodiversity conservation of the introduced plants from Altai in Khibiny mountains (Kola Peninsula) on the base of creation the artifical communities on phytogeographical plot “Altai” Polar-alpine Botanical Garden of the Kola SC RAS is represented. The state, structure and species composition, the special features of growth and development of Altai plant exposition are described. The preliminary results of introduction of the Altai woody plants (Abies sibirica Ledeb., Picea obovata Ledeb., Larix sibirica Ledeb., Pinus sibirica Du Tour., Tilia sibirica Bayer) of main coniferous forests of this region (dark-coniferous, light-coniferous and black taiga) on Kola North are brought on the basis of 10-years researches. It has been revealed that the optimal way of reproduction for these species in culture are semination. It has been stated that while introduced, plants of A. sibirica, P. obovata, L. sibirica pass complete cycle of growth and development, bear fruit, form a self-sown. The possibility of the vegetative reproduction A. sibirica in Khibiny were revealed. The findings of investigations processed indicate a good adaptation of these species on Kola North.
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