Genetic peculiarities of Pinus pallasiana D. Don trees tolerant to Krivіy Rіg area conditions

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Terlyga, N., КоrshikovІ., & МаzurА. (2005). Genetic peculiarities of Pinus pallasiana D. Don trees tolerant to Krivіy Rіg area conditions. Plant Introduction, 26, 72-77.


On the basis of tree-year observations of four young stands of Pinus pallasiana D. Don from different technogenously polluted ecotops of Kriviy Rig area studied, 24 most tolerant trees have been identified. Values of the basic indeces of genetic polymorphism for 23 allozyme loci for primary stands and for the sample of tolerant trees are determined. The tolerant trees have less pronounced allelic and genotypic variation, but they have an increased heterozygosity level (НО = 0,326, НЕ = 0,320) comparing to the primary stands (НО = 0,166 – 0,326, НЕ = 0,214 – 0,275).


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