Objective – to analyze the current species composition of dendrological flora of O.V. Suvorov park as the basis for green areas to determine whether the inclusion of the park in the nature reserve fund of Ukraine is appropriate.
Material and methods. Research carried out by tra ditional methods in 2014. Species names and family vo lumes are by www.theplantlist.org, life formes are by I.G. Serebryakov (1962), areas of species were classified by A.L. Takhtadzhjan (1978).
Results. 72 species, 6 cultivars, more than 1722 woo dy and underwoody plants from 54 genera and 30 families of the seed plants grow in the park. Leading families – Leguminosae (9 species), Rosaceae (8), Oleaceae (7), Malvaceae (6), leading genera – Tilia (5 species), Fraxinus and Ulmus (3 species). Plants are 16 life forms (after I.G. Serebryakov). There are 72.2 % exotic species, Asian and American plants are dominated among them. 193 plants of 12 species from International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List are saved ex situ: three as NT (Aesculus hippocastanum, Juglans regia, Platycladus orientalis), one as LR/NT (Eucommia ulmoides), 8 as LC (Betula pendula, Cupressus arizonica, Juniperus sabina, J. virginiana, Pinus sylvestris, Quercus robur, Robinia pseudoacacia, Tilia platyphyllos). There are 63 trees of the 11 species with trunk diameter 50 сm and more. Quercus robur (105 сm), Ulmus pumila (89 сm) and Tilia × europaea (81 сm) have the biggest diameter. The shrubs Berberis aquifolium, Cotoneaster ascendens, Euonymus japonicus, Juniperus sabina, Laburnum anagyroides, Ligustrum vulgare, Lonicera fragrantissima, Philadelphus microphyllus, Ph. pubescens, Rosa canina, Spiraea × vanhouttei, Yucca flaccida are the most stable in the park.
Conclusion. Park is proposed to include in the nature reserve fund of Ukraine as a park monument of landscape art of local importance.
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