Phytoherbicide properties of decay products of marigold (Tagetes L.)

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Didyk, N., Mashkovska, S., Ellanska, N., Yunosheva, E., Khokhlova, I., & Kikot, L. (2005). Phytoherbicide properties of decay products of marigold (Tagetes L.). Plant Introduction, 26, 89-95.


Phytoherbicide properties of decay products of three species of marigold (Tagetes L.) – T. signata Bartl., T. patula L., T. erecta L. – composted in soil, were studied in greenhouse and plot experiments. It was established that decay products of T. patula and T. erecta were the most effective against weeds. Allelopathic excretions of the decay products of T. patula and T. signata reduced soil infestation by phytopatogenic micromicetes of Fusarium genus. Preliminary recommendations on utilization of composting of soil by Tagetes phytomass for weeds control are given.


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