The vegetation of Botanical Reserve Zalavsky and it's vicinity


Zhytomyr Polissya
rare species of plants
rare plant communities
protection of landscape ecosystems of Polissya

How to Cite

Melnyk, V., Baransky, O., & Kharchyshyn, V. (2019). The vegetation of Botanical Reserve Zalavsky and it’s vicinity. Plant Introduction, 82, 34-37.


Objective – to describe the floristic diversity of the botanical reserve Zalavsky, the main element of which is the top oligotrophic forest swamp.

Material and methods. The territory of the reserve Zalavsky is part of the Rokytnivsky physical-geographical region of Zhytomyr Polissya. Field studies were conducted in 2018 using the generally accepted method of geobotanical research.

Results. The vegetation of the reserve is represented by rare plant communities listed in the Green Book of Ukraine – the upper oligotrophic forest swamp and extrazonal island spruce and also typical of Polissya, the psammophilous plant association of dunes of moraine-sandy origin.

Conclusions. The island spruce forests of the Ukrainian Polissya are unique extrazonal dark-coniferous communities, each of which needs protection. In this regard, the inclusion of natural fir trees in the botanical reserve Zalavsky will significantly improve the state of protection of the Polissya landscape ecosystems.


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