The paper highlights the results of studies on the development of industrial technology elements of Actinidia Lindl. species A. arguta (Siebold et Zucc.) Planch. ex Miq., (Originalna, Scarlet September cultivars), A. chinensis Planch. (female forms N1, N2 and male form), A. deliciosa (A. Chev.) C.F. Liang et A.R. Ferguson (Hayward and Atlas cultivars) microclonal breeding. The efficiency of using the medium, explants, other than the place of isolation, explants isolation terms, antioxidants and growth regulators under their introduction into the aseptic culture has been studied along with the influence of specific and varietal characteristics.
To obtain aseptic culture of primary explants it is revealed that apical explants as compared with medial ones in vitro plants regenerated quickly under successful decontamination conditions and applying phenol substances self-poisoning control. The effect of explants isolation terms on regenerative ability of the in vitro plants is revealed. Phenol formation was particularly intensive in the first selection of A. chinensis explants of apical origin. The isolated explants were immersed in an antioxidant solution to overcome the self-poisoning effect.
The high dependence of the explants decontamination index on the sterilization method is noted while biological characteristics of different species and varieties influenced decontamination in a less degree. Among the studied ways the highest efficiency of contaminants cleaning is revealed under plants processing with sodium hypochlorite and adding PPM biocide into the culture medium under the first cultivation. The highest efficiency of MC environments application on the multiplication step is revealed. Kuarin and Lepuvr environment with half contents of mineral elements and with adding of auxin (indolebutyric acid) is advisable to use for rhizogenesis.
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