Plant Introduction

Current Issue

No 105/106 (2025)
Published February 16, 2025

Plant Introduction (Ìntrodukcìâ Roslin, ISSN 1605-6574, e-ISSN 2663-290X) is a Ukrainian scientific journal about all aspects of experimental and applied botany, which is publishing quarterly since 1999.

This is an open-access journal that publishes original research articles, reviews, and short reports dealing with experimental and structural plant biology, theoretical bases, and practical aspects of the introduction, breeding, selection, and acclimatization of food, forage, industrial crops, officinal and ornamental plants, of the conservation of biodiversity and environment, park science, landscaping, and park design, the usage of introduced plants, as well as nature conservation.

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Plant Introduction (ISSN 1605-6574, e-ISSN 2663-290X) is an international scientific journal about all aspects of experimental and applied botany, which is publishing quarterly since 1999.

This is an open access journal under CC BY 4.0 licence that publishes original research articles, reviews and short reports dealing with experimental and structural plant biology, theoretical bases and practical aspects of the introduction, breeding, selection, and acclimatization of food, forage, industrial crops, officinal and ornamental plants, of the conservation of biodiversity and environment, park science, landscaping and park design, the usage of introduced plants, as well as nature conservation.