Microsporogenesis in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) grown in Mersin, Turkey


Vicia faba
anther culture

How to Cite

Küçükrecep, A., & Tekdal, D. (2022). Microsporogenesis in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) grown in Mersin, Turkey. Plant Introduction, (95/96), 68-74. https://doi.org/10.46341/PI2022017


Legumes are an alternative to animal foods due to their high protein content. Like other legumes, Vicia faba (faba bean) has high protein content. However, faba bean breeding with classical methods is challenging due to inbreeding depression, self-incompatibility, and abortive embryo formation. The inadequacy of classical breeding methods due to the problems in the fertilization biology of the plant limits the production of new varieties. Therefore, the importance of using in vitro haploidization technique in legume breeding is increasing. Anther culture is a widely preferred tissue culture technique for obtaining haploid plants. The initial and most crucial stage in anther culture is the identification of anthers containing microspores in the appropriate developmental stage. In the study, anther samples with single and triple-nucleated microspores were cultured in MS nutrient medium containing 2,4-D (0.5 mg L-1) and Kinetin (2.5 mg L-1). In the first month of culture, embryo and embryoid-like structures were obtained at the heart stage from anthers containing microspores in the mononuclear stage, while anther samples containing microspores in the trinucleated stage were observed to darken and did not develop.



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