Poplars in parks of Krivyi Rig


green plantings
vital state

How to Cite

Danilchuk, N., Fedorovskiy, V., & Korshikov, I. (2015). Poplars in parks of Krivyi Rig. Plant Introduction, 68, 99-106. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2527209


The viability of 8 species and 1 hybrid of genus Populus L. in parks of town Kryvyi Rig is studied. Representatives of this genus occur in all parks and occupy 91.25 ha area or 27.3 % of total area of 22 parks. Three species (Populus nigra L., P. bolleana Lauche and P. italica (Du Roi) Moench) are the most widespread at different parks. The part of these species is 61 % of all poplar plantings, 32 % of occurrence fall on P. deltoides Marsh., P. simonii Carr., P. × berolinensis. The oldest (90-year) age plants are noted for P. alba. Many poplar species retain high viability and deco rativeness until 70-year age.



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