Ecological and coenotic peculiarities of the rare species of spontaneous flora of the National Dendrological Park Sofiyivka of the NAS of Ukraine


Tulipa quercetorum
Allium ursinum
Euonymus nana
Scopolia carniolica
Right-Bank of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

How to Cite

Kosenko, I., Kuzemko, A., Didenko, I., & Ponomarenko, G. (2014). Ecological and coenotic peculiarities of the rare species of spontaneous flora of the National Dendrological Park Sofiyivka of the NAS of Ukraine. Plant Introduction, 64, 22-30.


An ecological and coenotic evaluation of four rare species of spontaneous flora of the National dendrological park Sofievka of the NAS of Ukraine – Tulipa quercetorum Klokov et Zoz, Allium ursinum L., Euonymus nana M. Bieb., Scopolia carniolica Jacq were carried out. It was determined the affiliation of the communities with the participation of studied species to the corydaletosum cavae subassociation of the Isopyro thalictroidis-Carpinetum Onyshchenko 1998 association. According to the results phytoindicative assessment it was revealed that communities with rare species are on the border or outside the borders of the eco logical amplitude of the association. The major factors of ecological differentiation of the communities were determined. The measures for effective protection of the studied species in conditions of the park were proposed.


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