Complex of objective indicators of cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) fruit economic maturity in conditions of Right-Bank of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine for low-temperature frost


cornelian cherry
economic maturity
lowtemperature frost

How to Cite

Postolenko, E. (2014). Complex of objective indicators of cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) fruit economic maturity in conditions of Right-Bank of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine for low-temperature frost. Plant Introduction, 64, 53-57.


According to the phenological indicators it is found that сornelian сherry fruit economic maturity begins in 113–123 days after flowering and lasts 28–30 days. Reaching the maturity of studied species begins when the sums of effective temperatures (>5 °C) reach 1731,9–1919,9 °C with a humidity factor (hydrothermal index) for the period of maturity 1,07–1,92. It is found that сornelian сherry fruit economic maturity occurs at achieving biometric and organoleptic and biochemical indicators for this sort. Each of these indicators varies depending on the sort, a place of cultivation and weather, and should be used in combination of all the above indicators. Frost and low-temperature сornelian сherry fruit storage in economic maturity allows significantly extend the fime of their storage and high-level fruit quality.


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