Artemisia argyi Leveil. et vaniot (Asteraceae) in Kyiv and Crimea: biological peculiarities, introduction, chemical composition, potentialities of using


Artemisia argyi
essential oil
chromatographic analisis
chemical composition

How to Cite

Bagatska, T., & Logvinenko, L. (2012). Artemisia argyi Leveil. et vaniot (Asteraceae) in Kyiv and Crimea: biological peculiarities, introduction, chemical composition, potentialities of using. Plant Introduction, 56, 53-58.


The results of using alien plant  – Artemisia argyi Leveil. et Vaniot in Kyiv and its introduction in Crimea are represented. Artemisia argyi botanical description is given. Chemical composition of essential oil on basis of chromatographic analysis is established. The potentialies of plant using are determine.


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