Objective – to determine the peculiarities of seasonal development of garden roses in the collections of the Kryvyi Rih Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine for optimization of their assortment in urban planting in the steppe zone of Ukraine.
Material and methods. Was the material processed with data of beginning and duration of phenological stages (growing, flowering, the massive flowering) and vegetation period of different garden rose groups (tea-hybrid, floribunda, climbing and miniature) in 1997–2016 in the conditions of Kryvyі Rіh which is located on the south-west of the Dnipropetrovsk Region in the steppe zone of Ukraine. Introductory research methods were used.
Results. It is proved that plants react on the changes of temperature condition of air, and duration of basic phases of seasonal development is related to the climatic terms on Kryvorizhzhya and depends on the varietal features of the roses. I was revealed that changes in the temperature regime of air during the 20 years of the study affected the dates of the beginning of the vegetation (earlier by 6–14 days) and flowering (earlier by 10–12 days), the massive flowering (earlier by 15–20 days) and an increase of the growing season collection samples (more than 12–36 days). More variability were celebrated terms of beginning and duration of phases vegetative, than generative development. It is established that for 20 years climbing cultivars increased the flowering time by 8–10 days, while the tea-hybrid for 15–27 days.
Conclusions. Specific changes in of rhythms of development of individual garden groups of roses have been recorded. For climbing varieties are characterized by the least indicators of temporal changes and minor changes in the duration of flowering. In cultivar of floribunda the duration of flowering did not change or decreased by 45–48 %. Tea-hybrid roses begin the mass flowering on 20–28 days before and increased a flowering period at 1,3–1,9 time. The most various features of flowering rhythm educed cultivar of miniature, for that there was characteristically both an increase and reduction the duration of flowering.
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