World assortment of cultivars of flower ornamental plants of Scrophulariaceae Juss. family and perspectives for their introduction into Ukraine

How to Cite

МuzychukG., & Prokopchuk, V. (2005). World assortment of cultivars of flower ornamental plants of Scrophulariaceae Juss. family and perspectives for their introduction into Ukraine. Plant Introduction, 25, 46-52.


In result of the Figwort family's (Scrophulariaceae Juss.) plants world assortment study the list of species that are draw in selection process is worked out and the number of sort are determined for everyone. It have been fixed, that 1,0 thousand kinds (without Antirrhinum majus L. this number is 734) for 119 the family's species are selected. Ten the most perspective plants for their cultivars introduction were picked out. The propositions of Scrophulariaceae family sorts using for Ukrainian assortment decorative plants' quantity and quality structure improvement were worked out.


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