Allelopathically active compounds of weed plants and scientific principles for development phytoregulators with herbicide-like action

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Orel, L., Golovko, E., & Zajets, I. (2005). Allelopathically active compounds of weed plants and scientific principles for development phytoregulators with herbicide-like action. Plant Introduction, 25, 94-99.


On the basis of allelopathic properties of donor plants, viz. Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop., Barbarea vulgaris R. Br., Fumaria officinalis L., preparation technology of herbicide like phytoregulators with active substances – polycomponent mixtures of phenolic compounds. Chemical composition of above-mentioned plants has been investigated at the first time. At that the compounds of lipid and phenolic nature with high growth inhibiting activity have been isolated.


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