Influence of harmful organisms on ornamental features of plants from the lilac garden of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine


Syringa vulgaris
harmful organisms
ornamental features

How to Cite

Gorb, V. (2017). Influence of harmful organisms on ornamental features of plants from the lilac garden of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine. Plant Introduction, 76, 85-90.


Objective – to learn the influence of harmful organisms on decorative plants of lilac garden.

Material and methods. Syringa vulgaris L. plants and its cultivars were examined. Morphological, field and analytical methods were used.

Results. The negative influence of harmful organisms on the ornamental features of S. vulgaris plants growing in monocultural lilac garden of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine was established. Such organisms include: Zeuzera purina L., Vespa crabro L., Lapidosaphes ulmi L., Eriphyes loewi Nal., Loxia curvirostra L. and Tolpa europea L. Z. purina harms by the making of galleries in the plants stem, which worsens their physiological state, or else causes their withering away. V. crabro damages S. vulgaris by gnawing of bark around or along the axis of 2–4(5)-year-old branches. About half of the last wither in the next spring, therefore, must be removed. L. ulmi and E. loewi negatively affect by sucking of sap from young shoots or buds, which leads to loss ornamental features of plants, and sometimes – to their death. In some years, L. curvirostra harms by plucking up to 75–95 % generative buds from the total number in the bush. T. europea worsens the ornamental features of plants by making of galleries in the zone of the root system and near it. Attention is focused on control methods of harmful organisms for S. vulgaris.

Conclusions. The mentioned organisms damage investigated plant species sporadically by worsening their aesthetic appearance, and sometimes leading to withering away. It is necessary to use control methods to prevent the phenomenon.


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