Digitalis grandiflora Mill. in the valley of the river Revna (Chernihiv region)


the valley of the river Revna
Chernihiv region
ontogenetic state
Digitalis grandiflora Mill.
in situ
ex situ

How to Cite

Lukash, O., Buzunko, P., & Rak, O. (2019). Digitalis grandiflora Mill. in the valley of the river Revna (Chernihiv region). Plant Introduction, 83, 30-41.


Objective – to define the ecological and coenotic peculiarities of Digitalis grandiflora near the northern boundary of the area – in the valley of the River Revna; to compare the ontogenesis of plants in situ and ex situ.

Material and methods. Detection of the locations of D. grandiflora was carried out by the route method. Geobotanical descriptions were done within the identified populations. During the growing of plants ex situ, the necessary agrotechnical measures were carried out. The beginning of phenophase was recorded, if its features were observed in 50 % + 1 individuals. The dissociation of ontogeny into separate discrete ontogenetic states and the calculation of the ratio of individuals of different ontogenetic states were carried out. Methods of morphometry of plants and methods of mathematical statistics were used.

Results. D. grandiflora phytocoenotic habitats conditions are defined for the valley of the river Revna. The ontogenetic structure of D. grandiflora populations are determined. Phenological peculiarities, as well as the difference in the morphometric parameters of D. grandiflora in situ and ex situ are found out.

Conclusions. In the valley of the river Revna D. grandiflora occurs in light pine or birch and pine forests, which floristic composition is similar to forest margins. In culture the species shows an accelerated (for 1–2 weeks) passing of phenophases. According to morphometric indices, generative plants in situ and ex situ do not differ significantly.


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