Introduction population of Taxus baccata L. in M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine


Taxus baccata
a rare species
introduction population

How to Cite

Shynder, O., & Rak, O. (2017). Introduction population of Taxus baccata L. in M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine. Plant Introduction, 74, 17-25.


Objective – to study of state and structure of introduction spontaneous population of Taxus baccata L. at M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine.

Material and methods. In the phyto-geographical areas and board Caucasus, Altai, Maple grove and Forest of oak and hornbeam are growing 60 young individuals of T. baccata, which grew from seed. Their morphometric parameters and conditions of phytocoenotic habitats have been described.

Results. The structure of introduction population and morphometrical parametrs of individuals yew at Botanical Garden are similar to populations of this species in nature. This suggests that in a city Kyiv T. baccata has high rates of acclimatization. It has been suggested that a large proportion of yew individuals is grown from seed formed on adult yews caucasian origin.

Conclusion. Formation of spontaneous population of T. baccata in a Botanical Garden is an important means of protecting and preserving this species in conditions ex situ.


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