Foliar structural and anatomical adaptations of three deciduous species of the genus Rhododendron L. (R. schlippenbachii Maxim., R. luteum Sweet and R. molle (Blume) G. Don), which naturally grow in different ecotopes, and cultivate under identical environmental conditions, were studied. The typical features and adaptive characteristics of species were identified. The structural features of the palisade mesophyll of leaves indicate that a mentioned species are well adapted to grow in conditions of intense insolation of ecotopes. Leaves of R. schlippenbachii are the least adapted to active regulation of gas exchange, because of the development of very large intercellulars in the spongy tissue and cells of the epidermis with thin membrane. In the structure of leaves of R. luteum and R. molle the leading role are played by the optimization of the water balance through the development of structures that hold water. They are the densely located cells of spongy tissue, the development of thick tangential membranes of epidermal cells, the formation of thick cuticle layer, the produce of essential oils and formation of other structures, which prevent excessive evaporation.
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