Palinomorphological analysis of Iris hybrida hort. (Rodion.) cultivars plant


palynomorphological analysis
pollen grains

How to Cite

Troitskii, M., & Buidin, Y. (2018). Palinomorphological analysis of Iris hybrida hort. (Rodion.) cultivars plant. Plant Introduction, 78, 36-46.


Objective – to spend of palinomorphological study of plants of cultivars of Iris hybrida hort. (Rodion.) of garden group of Standard Dwarfs (SDB), for optimisation and updating of selection work with them.

Material and methods. In this work descriptive, morphometric, palynomorphological, statistical methods are used. As a material for research, 22 sorts of sorts of SDBiris were used in domestic and foreign breeding.

Results. Information concerning the place of SDBiris in the modern garden classification of iris and the history of the creation of varieties of this garden group is generalized. The breeds of world and domestic breeders of this plant are analyzed. By results of the palynomorphological analysis, it has been established that, according to the morphological struc ture, pollen grains of the studied cultivars of SDBiris are typical for the Iris subgenus. Three sizes pollen grains big, large, and gigantic are revealed. The obtained results testify about of the instability of the SDBiris genome at the level of microsporogenesis.

Conclusion. The group of varieties is established which according to the size pollen grains can be considered typical SDB and used as standards for variety studies of garden irises in this group, which allows optimizing selective work with them and accelerating the identification of promising seedlings.


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