Spontaneous flora of the Syrets Arboretum (Kyiv)


spontaneous flora
adventitious species
Syrets Arboretum

How to Cite

Shynder, O., Glukhova, S., & Mykhajlyk, S. (2018). Spontaneous flora of the Syrets Arboretum (Kyiv). Plant Introduction, 78, 54-64. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2229967


Objective – to study the species composition and structure of spontaneous flora in the territory of the Syrets Arboretum (Kyiv).

Material and methods. The study was conducted in 2014–2017 on the territory of the Syrets Arboretum for the inventory of its collection of plants.

Results. The list of the spontaneous flora of the Syrets Arboretum is presented, which includes 421 species of 78 families. The groups of indigenous and introduced species of plants with high acclimatization indexes, which for various reasons are not included in the studied spontaneous flora, have been examined.

Conclusions. The spontaneous flora of the Syrets Arboretum consists of three main groups of taxa – indigenous species (56.5 %), xenophytes (24.5 %) and ergasiophytes (19.0 %) and is characterized by considerable species richness in comparison with other botanical institutions of Ukraine. For the first time for the urban flora of Kyiv adventive species Euphorbia humifusa Willd. and Parietaria judaica L. are given.



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The Plant List [Electronic resource]: http://www.theplantlist.org/

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