Morphological and ecological particularities, perspectives of the introduction and research of ornamental plants of the genus Anemone L. in Polissya and Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


the genus Anemone L.
morphological particularities of species
autecological particularities of species

How to Cite

Muzychuk, G., & PereboichukО. (2013). Morphological and ecological particularities, perspectives of the introduction and research of ornamental plants of the genus Anemone L. in Polissya and Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Plant Introduction, 57, 62-72.


The estimation of the perspectives of introduction of ornamental plants of the genus Anemone L. from the world cultivated flora into zones Polissya and Forest-Steppe of Ukraine has been received on the basis of data on their autecological particularities as well as the main directions of the introduction research of Anemone species have been proposed. It has been given evidence that Anemone is an important resource for enriching of the assortment of decorative plants for flower garden in Ukraine and at the same time, due to the wide variation of types of morphological structure in combination with different variations of helio-, hydro- and trofomorph, they are the objects of the high interest as a models for the research of the particularities of ontogenesis and reproductive efficiency of the plants of different morphological and ecological types under various growing conditions.


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