Ornamental plants of the genus Anemone L. in the world cultivated flora and the perspectives of their introduction in Ukraine

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Muzychuk, G., & PereboichukО. (2009). Ornamental plants of the genus Anemone L. in the world cultivated flora and the perspectives of their introduction in Ukraine. Plant Introduction, 44, 29-41. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2555371


According to the data of investigation of ornamental plants of the genus Anemone L. species and cultivar diversity in the world and Ukrainian cultivated flora, the quantity index were established and the comparative analysis of modern world and ukrainian assortments of these plants have been presented. The list and characteristics of cultivars for 21 species of Anemone is given. The principles and priority goals of introduction of Anemone’ species and cultivars proven.



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