The current research was conducted in 2020–2023 on the botanical-geographical plot “Steppes of Ukraine” at the M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine and was focused on ripe fruits of Asparagus officinalis. This study aimed to find out the main statistical characteristics of morphometric traits of A. officinalis fruits: fruit diameter, number of locules per fruit, number of seeds per fruit, number of seeds per locule, and to confirm or deny the hypothesis of positive pairwise correlations of the first three traits. Eighteen combinations of four morphometric traits were found in the A. officinalis fruits. For each morphometric feature of A. officinalis fruits, ten statistical characteristics were determined: arithmetic mean, median, mode, range of variation, oscillation coefficient, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, standard error of the mean, coefficient of skewness, and coefficient of kurtosis. The coefficient of variation showed that the number of seeds per fruit is the most variable of the studied morphometric traits of A. officinalis fruits, and the fruit diameter is the least variable. According to the comprehensive assessment of the coefficients of skewness and kurtosis, the distributions of the number of seeds per fruit and the diameter of the fruits are closest to the normal distribution. It was established that the correlations between pairs of such traits as fruit diameter and number of locules per fruit, fruit diameter and number of seeds per fruit, number of locules per fruit and number of seeds per fruit are positive, direct, and strong. Thus, considering the economic feasibility, it is more practical to collect A. officinalis fruits of a larger size to obtain a larger number of seeds. The results of this work are of interest for the morphology and biometrics of A. officinalis and its cultivation.
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